Quick Start Guide

  1. Download: latest release
  2. Unzip downloaded release into your Saved Games\DCS folder
    • NOTE: if updating DCT, do not replace the Config folder!
  3. Prepare DCS by deleting the marked lines in your Program Files\DCS World\Scripts\MissionScripting.lua file to allow DCT to read settings and save the state file.
    • WARNING: this will allow any mission or server you play on to access the internet and modify your files, allowing a malicious mission to download and install viruses. Restore the file or repair the game before running any untrusted missions!
  --Initialization script for the Mission lua Environment (SSE)


  --Sanitize Mission Scripting environment
  --This makes unavailable some unsecure functions.
  --Mission downloaded from server to client may contain potentialy harmful lua code that may use these functions.
  --You can remove the code below and make availble these functions at your own risk.

  local function sanitizeModule(name)
    _G[name] = nil
    package.loaded[name] = nil

-   sanitizeModule('os')
-   sanitizeModule('io')
-   sanitizeModule('lfs')
-   _G['require'] = nil
-   _G['package'] = nil
  1. Launch the game and run the demo mission in a multiplayer session.
    • Note: It will take at least 20 seconds for all the templates to spawn. During this time player slots will be locked.